February 1, 2011

A simple life

How many times do you ever say to yourself I wish I could live a simpler life? I used to ask that all the time & would always come up short on answers. Over the next few days I plan to add a post a day about some of the things I do to simplify life. So tonight I plan to share a very simple concept with you I say simple but it will only be simple if you let it.
Brace yourself this is going to floor you but it’s a concept I learned from reading Andy Stanley's book “Choosing To Cheat”. The concept is very simple you must CHEAT yes CHEAT. If you are a busy person like me you get so consumed sometimes that you end up cheating the things that mean the most to you. So whether you choose to or not something is getting cheated. May I offer you some advice those things we stay so focused on will still be there tomorrow so choose what you will cheat. Remember folks when you cant figure it out just LOOK HIGHER.
Psalm 25:1 In you, Lord my God,
I put my trust.
Love, Ron

1 comment:

  1. I want to clarify for all you faithful followers out there it's up to you to choose what to cheat. May I encourage you to look at whats most important to you and then look at what gets in the way of you focusing on whats important. Sorry for the mix up.

    Blessings to you today


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