As I said last night I will say it again. How many times do you ever say to yourself I wish I could live a simpler life? I used to ask that all the time & would always come up short on answers. Over the next few days I plan to add a post a day about some of the things I do to simplify life. Tonight I would like to talk about something I do to really simplify my life.
I know sometimes even though we should pray as humans we tend to get busy right? Well I do to and then what happens you say well I will pray in the morning, but the alarm doesn’t go off loud enough and you oversleep. Well then you say I will pray later and on and on it goes. Well I have found that if I will take a few seconds and pray even if it’s while walking it’s still effective. We have been taught the mindset of praying more is better, but I believe it’s about quality and not quantity. I would rather pray for ten minutes with a pure heart than an hour just to fill time. It does not have to be hard it’s the simple things that matter. In my life that’s how I operate I keep a humble heart and don’t worry about legalism.
James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. NIV
Have a blessed day and remember to look higher in your time of need!!
I tend to do those spuratic prayers. "Hey God, thanks for waking me up" or "God, help remember the stuff for the test please? Thanks!"