August 19, 2009


Last night I got to be part of something truly amazing. It was not a miracle or it wasn't even unthinkable but it just does not happen much. OK OK you say well what is it Ron. Two local churches got together last night and decided to combine their resources to reach our community. I am sorry actually it was three churches. My church the Believers church & Place of Grace. During our meeting we had some great discussions and really worked as a team. That got me to thinking about how powerful the BODY would be if we would have the same mission in life. Jesus said that we should go and make disciples of all nations. I tell you what would it look like if we truly was the body. Just say one church does food banks well another does a clothing ministry well, and say still another church they really help the elderly out. OK but what if the church with the food bank tried to clothe the people too instead doing their part. Remember the body the foot needs the leg the hip needs the torso and so on we work together to function as a true unit. So as we walk by faith in this area it will have some growing pains but also we will have some great benefits as well. Who knows maybe we will inspire other churches to join us and lets blow this thing up and reach the lost for Christ. as I am getting ready to close I want to share a scripture with you Eccl 4:12 12 And one standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer; three is even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. TLB this came to me about a year ago God showed me a rope in my minds eye and it was hard to break it. Not knowing at that time it was scriptural. So heres my final thought other churches are not competition but covenant partners